Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Hamster

This Blog is called Real. Cute. Now. It is named this because of what is going to be written about on this blog- the real things happening in the world, cute hamsters and other animals, and what I am doing now. This post is going to be about the cute: my hamster Pibby.
One thing that nobody will ever figure out about my hamster from just looking at a picture - she has a LOT of personality. It's true Pibby is stuck in her cage all day and all night, with breaks where I take her out for about an hour in the evening, but Pibby has still played a role in our lives. Now, Pibby has a life expectancy of 3 years maximum. Because Pibby is healthy, happy, and welly taken care of, I have a feeling that she will live for about 2 and a half or more years. If you convert that to an age, Pibby was most likely almost a teen when she saved our house. Yes, you read that right. Pibby saved our house. Pibby is smart, and I have endless stories of all of the things she's done. But Pibby isn't smart enough to figure out that there was a glue gun on in the room above the garage that particular night. It was definately a God thing that Pibby just so happened to escape from her cage that Friday or Saturday night when I was gone at my Gramme's house. My mom was taking care of Pibby, so when she checked on her at night (10:00) like I had asked her to, Pibby was gone. Not there. So my mom went to look around. First she looked in my room - Pibby wasn't there. Then she headed over to Parker's room, and she didn't see Pibby. But when she checked the room above the garage (which is a large storage room that Parker's room opens to and guests commonly mistake as a walk-in closet. And like you may have guessed, it is directly above our garage.) and she didn't see Pibby. But what she did see, was a glue gun on sitting on a piece of paper on a wicker chair. HUGE FIRE HAZARD! Mom unplugged it before any fire started, and went back up to Parker's room. And then she saw Pibby, who was in Parker's room, sitting on his bookshelf looking up at mom.
That was totally a God thing. Our house was safe, and our hamster was found. God can use even the littlest of people, littlest of things, to do what he wants. That was really cool.
By the way, my mom's Christiani-tea link is sitting all lonely in my links box. If you want, I can put your link in there if you have a Christian blog like Real. Cute. Now. Just leave the URL and blog name in the comment and I will try to put it in there! Thanks!


  1. Yea for Pibby. I would say that saving you from a potential house fire qualifies him as a hero! Abby--I love your blog. Keep on writing for Jesus!

  2. Awww, I love that story, Abby! Awesome! :)

  3. Adorable hamster! I have two robo hamsters. But really, that's an amazing pic! I have a blog about hamsters. It's
    You should check it out! :)
